
Showing posts from November, 2021

Online Classes for Preschoolers: The Next Big Thing

  Online Classes for Preschoolers: The Next Big Thing One of the after-effects of Covid 19 includes the shift of schooling to the online medium. Well, it is not necessarily a bad thing – in fact, it is a great opportunity for children to learn from the comforts and luxury of home! If you are reading this blog, then the chances of you being a parent are high. Are you looking to enroll your child in a  preschool school ? If yes, then you must be looking for the ones that offer  online classes for preschoolers . Your worry ends here! Today in this blog, we tell you all about the wonderful online classes offered by The Shri Ram Early Years, which is one of the  best online preschool s in Gurgaon. Why should you choose online classes for preschoolers? Education and schooling have always been kept locked within the four walls of classrooms and there have been no deviations in this. However, with the advent of Covid 19 and living in quarantine, schools shifted to the medium of online teaching

Everything You Should Know About the Best Daycare in Gurgaon

 Everything You Should Know About the Best Daycare in Gurgaon Becoming parents is one of the biggest joys the Almighty bestows upon us. Not only do children add h a ppiness to our lives, but also lots of excitement. There is no doubt that our children teach us many things — changing diapers, for starters! But the meaning of pure, unconditional love. However, once your child achieves the milestone of becoming a toddler and the maternity and paternity leaves are over — parents are faced with the tricky question of leaving their child — where and how? Leaving your child in the arms of a new caregiver can be scary for new parents. These feelings are normal. Worry not! We have you covered. If you are a parent looking for the best  daycare in Gurgaon , then this blog is just for you! Is daycare in Gurgaon good for your child? We at The Shri Ram Early Years believe in giving your child a child-centric environment. We also understand that there is only a particular time when you can put your w