
Showing posts from April, 2024

Will a Play-Based Preschool Ignite Your Child's Spark?

  Are you considering enrolling your child in a preschool? Wondering if a play-based approach could be the right fit? Many parents are discovering the benefits of play-based preschools in nurturing children's curiosity, creativity, and love for learning. Let's explore how a play-based preschool can ignite your child's spark and set them on a path of discovery and growth. In a play-based preschool environment, learning is intertwined with play, allowing children to explore, experiment, and discover at their own pace. Through hands-on activities, imaginative play, and open-ended exploration, children develop essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, and social interaction. Here are five reasons why a play-based preschool might be the perfect choice for your child's early education journey. Encouraging Creativity:  Play-based preschools provide ample opportunities for children to express themselves creatively. Whether it's through art, music, or dramatic

7 Strategies for Teaching Etiquette to Toddlers in a Quality Preschool Environment

  All love a well-mannered child. The values of good manners and courtesy should be instilled from the preschool going age. Parents are the first to teach their munchkins, the qualities of politeness. The pre nursery schools in Gurgaon acts as an indispensable pillar for infusing prominent social skills. These social skills act as the basis for future communications and developing good relationships.  A preschool understands the value of imparting etiquette to toddlers. The adept teachers play an essential role in using different strategies to imprint politeness & kindness in their young minds. This blog will highlight some effective methods through which a good preschool instills this essential aspect of education. Be A Role Model Educators and parents serve as role models for the young learners. Teachers of  The Shri Ram Early Years, one of the best play schools in Gurgaon, serve as role models for the children. The loving and caring teachers demonstrate politeness when teachi