Why Your Child Should Sign Up For Online Learning


The concepts of learning, schooling, and education have changed significantly in the last five years. With the initial introduction of smart boards to incorporate multimedia while teaching in classrooms, to 3D presentations and interactive learning modules, learning has undergone several developments. But this learning process is not limited to just a traditional school and education system. Due to the high competition prevalent in all fields, be it medicine or engineering, there is a need to supplement your child’s learning with extra tutoring. In the wake of the pandemic, when schools are shut down indefinitely and the learning process is affected, it is important to introduce dynamic learning to your child’s life. This will not only pique their interest but also help them in staying ahead and alert.

Online education, hence, ensures that your child has access to quality education with ease and minimum infrastructure. It ensures that your kid gets the best of the best- interactive and interesting learning modules, presentations, and study material. Moreover, it helps them understand the technology and incorporate them into the learning process better. It is a way to leverage technology not just for entertainment, but also education.

Here are 4 concrete reasons why your child should sign up for online learning

1. Higher retention rates

Most people focus on the quantity of information and knowledge that their child is exposed to but overlook the most important part, which is the retention of this knowledge and information. Retention in learning is a finicky thing, different for every child, and more often than not, not the easiest thing to master. It is believed that after one hour, children retain less than half of what has been taught to them. This is not always because of dwindling attention spans or low interest in the learning process. This could also be due to outdated teaching methods, a boring curriculum, or information overload. In the digital age, when children are exposed to screens and technology in every aspect of their lives, education should not be left behind.

Therefore, preschool schools should also adopt this development and make the most of it to provide a dynamic learning experience. It is believed that there is a high retention rate with online learning. According to a study carried out by the Research Institute of America, eLearning or online learning can help in increasing the retention rate in children from anywhere between 25% to up to 60%. This is because of engaging multimedia content and formats that are used, as well as the adaptable and fun nature of online learning.

2. Use of technology

Online learning programs offered by preschool schools are based on the latest technology to ensure that all the learning that takes place is of premium quality and up to international standards. While online learning is a relatively new concept to India, it has been prevalent in other countries for almost a decade now. By leapfrogging, that is, jumping to the latest advancements instead of going through the tiresome stages of development, Indian preschool schools can offer quality education with effective study modules.

Moreover, since kids today are a part and the pioneers of a digital age that is heavily dependent on the latest technology, helping them understand it at a young age through the practical application is only a bonus! By opting for online learning instead of just traditional learning, you are making your child more tech-savvy and comfortable with technology, which is a must in this era that revolves around technology and its application which is omnipresent.

3. Safe and secure environment for learning

Safety is of paramount importance when it comes to your child’s well-being, and it is not just limited to education. While traditional learning has been prevalent for centuries, online learning is changing the game by making learning safer and more secure for growing children. In the wake of a global pandemic that is life-threatening, we are compelled to reconsider how we are educating our children. Experts believe that offline education must be supplemented and supported through online learning to ensure their safety and security. By not depending on just one means of learning, you open up new avenues for your child and ensure that their education is not compromised due to factors such as a pandemic. Moreover, online classes nullify the risk of potential infection and provide a soothing learning environment for your child.

This ensures that they are not just safe physically, but also comfortable in class mentally, which is very important for a more enjoyable and fruitful learning experience. Hence, to assure the safety of your child from different risk factors, signing up for an online learning program at a preschool school is the best way to go!

4. Interactive learning modules

Online learning incorporates the best that modern technology has to offer. Whether it comes to incorporating new teaching styles and formats, using tools such as multimedia and interactive videos, online worksheets and much more, online learning ensures that education is not rudimentary or exhausting. By incorporating interesting and interactive learning modules, they can hold the attention of your children and help them understand complex concepts in detail with ease.One of the best things about online learning is that it becomes an ongoing process, which means that through multimedia and engaging content, students participate more.

Source : "Click Here"


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