Preschool Activities That You Can Practice With Your Kid At Home

 Childhood is a wonderful phase of life as children tend to learn varied things as they gradually explore the world and surroundings. A child grows to discover many new details and learns a ton of new life skills through playing and exploring. So, it is essential to encourage a child to play more to learn more, and a good Preschool in Gurgaon always emphasises fun activities that help a child learn through play. Besides sending a child to a preschool, it is essential to help him learn and develop through various in house methods. Home is the first place where the child starts his education, and parents are the pillars that help them learn and discover.

That is why parents need to spend quality time with their kids and encourage them in playful learning through various fun activities. Sending in a Preschool in Gurgaon will not help a child learn and develop skills as long as he is not practising it at his home within the comfort of his parents. So, parents should regularly communicate with the teachers to understand the growth and shortcomings and take time from their busy schedules to indulge in playful activities with their kids. In this article, we have shared some preschool activities that you can play with your kids at home to help them learn faster.

Sensory Bin Games

Sensory bins are some of the best activity games that help a child to develop fine motor skills and help them get ideas about colours, shapes, structures and many more things. There are a variety of sensory Bin kits available in the market dinosaur bin kits are popular. 

Encourage your toddler to build a mini dinosaur world so that he gets to learn more about colours, like tree colours are green while the sky is blue. And this way, he learns a lot about the shape, colour, and size of various objects. Moreover, to prepare for the miniature dino world, he had to do a lot of activities like holding, gripping and kneading, which will develop his fine motor skills and strengthen his arms and grips. 

Tips For Parents

While preparing a dino world, communicate with your toddler and tell him about this prehistoric life form, and learn a lot about the prehistoric era. 

Art & Craft

It's essential to let a kid explore his creative fantasy, and that is why Preschool in Gurgaon lets a kid explore his artistic skills through activities like art and craft competitions. A preschool like ours is equipped with a skilled workforce that encourages each child to create something independently, whether it is a simple drawing or an art form or a beautiful craft. Moreover, we ensure that every kid gets a consolation prize to feel encouraged and eager.

Similarly, it is essential to help a child nurture these newly developed skills. That is why a parent must let a child draw or create an art form and encourage him to do better.

Tips for parents

Play with your kid in a drawing competition. Give him a topic to draw something on it. This will not only bloom his creativity but will develop certain skills. 

Children Yoga

Preschool not only helps a kid to develop life skills and creativity but also aids in physical development. We design various activities, including various games and children's Yoga. These activities are associated with a full-body movement that helps them grow faster. 

A recent study has shown that physical movement is an essential part of the development, and a lot of toddlers between the age of 3-5 are getting obese due to the evil of a sedentary lifestyle, and that is why 

Preschools in Gurgaon are making it mandatory to include physical activities in the curriculum.

But it is also essential to practice it at home as the majority of the time, the kids stay at home. So practice yoga with your kids at a particular time regularly; this will help both of you bond closely and help you both remain physically active.

Tips for parents

Use some light music to spice up the session so that both of you can enjoy the yoga session.

Puzzle Game

At playschool, we provide numerous play options in which they can either play alone or with their peers. One of the popular games we always motivate each child to play is the Puzzle game. A puzzle game will help a child to develop intellectually. There are various Puzzle games designed for kids of each age group. Our staff design each game by keeping in mind the intellectual level of each kid

Similarly, as a parent, you can encourage your kid to play more and more puzzle games to develop him intellectually. You can find a variety of Puzzle games through which they can learn new alphabets, words, numbers and even phrases.

Tips for parents

Play along with your child will help them be more attached to you. Whereas will give them plenty of opportunities to learn new things.

Memory Games

Besides using the equipment, we also indulge the kids in various activities that strengthen their memory, and memory games can't be better than it. We play various memory games with kids that help them learn new words too. One of the best games is remembering games. Pick a topic like a flower name or fruit, and ask everyone to speak a new one. No same name will be repeated twice.

You can play the same game with your kids. To make it interesting, ask neighbourhood kids to join in the same.


Practising various games and activities at home will create a great bond and induce skill development in young children. Remember that learning begins at home, so a parent needs to focus on their child even after sending him to a reputed nursery school. Hope the above tips will guide you to nurture your toddler at home and help them to learn & grow better in life.


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