How to Ease Separation Anxiety When Starting Play School

 Starting play school is a significant step for children and parents. Separation anxiety is common. Children often feel nervous when they leave their parents. It's natural and part of their development. Here, we will explore effective ways to ease this anxiety. These methods will help your child adjust to a new environment confidently.

  • Prepare Your Child in Advance

Preparing your child for play school can reduce anxiety. Talk about the play school in Gurgaon. Explain what they will do there. Describe it as a fun place with many activities. Mention the toys and friends they will make. This builds excitement and reduces fear of the unknown.

Visit the play school together before the first day. Show them the classrooms, playground, and other areas. Introduce them to the teachers. Familiarity helps children feel secure. When they know what to expect, they feel less anxious.

Read books about starting school. Stories about other children starting school can be reassuring. It shows them they are not alone in feeling nervous.

  • Create a Consistent Goodbye Routine

A consistent goodbye routine can make a big difference. Create a simple and quick routine. A hug, a kiss, and a cheerful goodbye can work wonders. Keep it short and sweet. Lingering goodbyes can increase anxiety.

Explain the routine to your child. Let them know what will happen every morning. Consistency provides comfort. When children know what to expect, they feel secure.

Stick to regular drop-off and pick-up times. Punctuality reassures your child that you will return on time. Consistency builds trust.

  • Encourage Independence

Encouraging independence can help ease separation anxiety. Let your child do small tasks on their own. Packing their school bag or choosing their clothes are good examples. Independence builds confidence. Confident children feel less anxious.

Teach them simple self-help skills. Show them how to wash their hands or put on their shoes. These skills make them feel capable. Feeling capable reduces anxiety.

Praise their efforts to be independent. Encourage them into doing things on their own. Positive reinforcement encourages them to keep trying. Small rewards like stickers can be motivating.

  • Stay Calm and Positive

Your attitude affects your child's feelings. Stay calm and positive. If you are calm, your child will be too. Avoid showing your own anxiety. Speak in a reassuring tone. Tell them you will be back soon. Your confidence boosts their confidence.

Model positive behavior so that they can follow you and also adopt good behavior. Show excitement about the play school. Mention the fun activities they will do. Positive talk creates a positive outlook.

Stay involved in their school life. Ask about their day at the play school and show interest in their stories. This shows that you value their experiences and are interested in knowing what they feel.

  • Connect with Teachers

Building a good relationship with the teachers is important. Let your child see that you trust the teachers. This helps your child trust them too. A trusted teacher can comfort your child when you are not there.

Introduce your child to the teachers before the first day. Familiar faces reduce anxiety in young children. When children know their teachers, they feel more secure and happy to join play school.

Communicate with the teachers regularly to know about your child’s progress at the playschool. Share any concerns or updates about your child. Teachers can provide valuable insights and support. They can also help you understand how your child is adjusting.


Separation anxiety is a normal part of starting play school. With patience and the right strategies, you can help your child adjust. The best preschools in Gurgaon understand this and provide support.

At Shri Ram Early Years, a top play school in Gurgaon, we offer a warm, inviting, and vibrant infrastructure. Our well-qualified and experienced teachers help each child grow to their full potential. We are committed to making the transition to preschool smooth and joyful for every child.

Get in touch with us today to know more about our preschool facilities and how we can add value to your child’s life. Contact us today to book a campus visit 


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